So the unthinkable happens. Sweet little (insert dog name) loses their bone for a second and ends up biting somebody before you can stop them. Argh! Now what?! Don’t worry I will talk you through it. Continue Reading >
Have you ever just sat there looking at your dog sleep and thought: “I wonder what he/she thinks of me?” First of all, when you come into the room, I wonder what our dogs mentally say to themselves to acknowledge our presence. Is it positive? Like “here comes (insert awesome dog owner name)” or is it more personal like “wow he/she’s put on weight” or “really? You wore that outfit last weekend”. Continue Reading >
If you start to find that your nights are beginning to consist of you wrapped up with your dog, watching a sad movie and wishing somebody was there to agree on its sadness (“Why didn’t she just move over?! There was room for Jack!!”), then it may be time to go out and find somebody you can lay with. No not like that, get your minds out the gutter! I meant on the couch while you watch titanic for an epic 9th time. Continue Reading >
This is one of those age old arguments that many pet holders seem to have amongst themselves, myself included. To dog or to cat… that is the question. Continue Reading >
Dogs love to jump up on us, sprint around the park and generally play around so much that it is easy to forget that they can also get sick. And just like any other animal or person that gets sick, they need help. Your dog may not be able to talk (no, dog language does not count) but they will still show you signs that they are not in the best health. Continue Reading >
As crazy as it sounds, dogs are pretty much just like people…who just love mud a lot more! They have their happy days and their upset, whining days and just like us they need their own “pick-me-ups”. Continue Reading >