The Village

June 22, 2015 | We Care
I traveled to the East Coast this weekend for a wedding (My fiancé’s cousin) and, although we have been traveling a lot lately, I leave my home and my animal loves knowing that they are in good hands.

Our village of caregivers includes a great friend/dog-sitter that will watch them, often in tandem with my baby brother who lives with us. I have a roommate that will walk them. So, among three animal loving people invested in my dogs’ (and cat’s) well being, I can leave home and not feel like the world is ending. This wasn’t always the case, there was a lot of time there where I never left home at all because I had no one I trusted enough with their quirks and ‘isms to feel like leaving them was worth the consequences (the consequences being very unhappy dogs upon my return). Now, we have happy healthy dogs that still love us when we come back. It is a beautiful thing and I couldn’t do it without my safety net, my village.


“I am in awe of animal lovers.”

I have never been so grateful for this network of friends and family than I am now-one, because of our travels, and two, because I have realized this last week that I am also part of a network of caregivers for my grandparents dogs. I had a recent post about Soopey and Pip in Montana, and while my grandparents are taking care of health business, I have helped pull together a group of amazing care givers-a retired vet tech that feeds them their nightly pills-a lovely neighbor who visits each morning for therapy and medication- a vet dedicated to Soop’s recovery. And all these amazing people want nothing but the returned health of a sweet-as-can-be pup.

I am in awe of animal lovers. Even 1800 miles away, I know that Soop and Pip and Jue are in good hands. This loving, caring, concerned group communicates via text, almost daily. We rely on a chain of communications that starts with my grandfather’s email saying when he is away (his hearing is impaired so email is always best)….and so far so good. The animals are probably not as happy without my grandfather, their human, to care for them, but they are making it work because we are. This mismatch of strangers (none have met, the vet, the neighbor or the retired vet tech) but they are impacting lives in a very real way. And I know the dogs are grateful for the time and concern. I know I am.

I would love to hear about your “village”, please feel free to share!

Couch cuddles after
a long weekend away.

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