4 Healthy Treats for Your Dog

October 21, 2016 | We Learn | Tips from Richard Bryant
Ever since I can remember, I have had nothing but dogs as pets. Growing up in the 90’s and 00’s, there wasn’t much awareness of dog health. You’d just give your dog a treat that looked the best.

However, with the awareness of health in our own world, dog health and animal health also peaked interest. Now, there are so many dog treats on the market and for pet owners, especially new pet owners, this can be daunting. I am here to lend a helping hand for pet owners who need a little more know-how on the healthiest treats for your dog. I have compiled a list of seven treats that all have its health benefits and uses:

Greenies Pill Pockets. Now, these healthy treats are great for your pet as both a training treat and medicine-taker. Greenies created these “Pill Pockets” for specifically that – holding pills.

It’s difficult to get your furry friend to take his medicine, especially in tablet or capsule form. Many pet owners, including myself, have struggled for years to get their dogs to take their medicine and this has made it so much easier. The Pill Pockets come in two sizes, large and small. Large pill pockets are recommended when giving your pup a capsule, while small Pill Pockets are recommended for tablets.

As of 2016, you can find a pound at around $12 to $15.

Green Pet Organics’ Liver Bits. If you’re like me and can’t stomach liver, don’t worry. You can turn that into a perfect treat for your dog and it is filled with 50% protein per serving. While you may not be a fan, your pet will be thanking you for these healthy snack bits. Even better, the Liver Bits contain 100% beef liver with absolutely zero additives or preservatives. It’s perfect for your furry bestie and you know exactly what is inside of it.

“It’s perfect for your furry bestie and you know exactly what is inside of it. “

Best Bully Sticks Thick-Cut Cow Ear. If you want to avoid a rawhide, Best Bully Sticks features a new cow ear for your dog. Overall, the product is safe and health since it is sourced from a grass-fed, free-range farm in South America. So you don’t have to worry about over processed treats and erroneous ingredients that you want to avoid. It’s great for dogs to clean their teeth and gums. It also fights off bad breath, which is great for you and the house.

Rocco & Roxie Supple Co – Jerky Sticks for Dogs. This is becoming an increasingly popular snack for dog owners. They are slow roasted and naturally smoked beef jerky strips designed specifically for your pup. You want products that avoid corn, gluten, soy and wheat – as they are mostly fillers and not substantial to a dog’s health. This product contains none of the above and the first ingredient on the package is American-raised Beef. This is quality!

Healthy Treats for a Happy Dog. Pet health is important and what you feed your dog could dictate the lifespan and time you will have with your furry friend. Products like these are one a few of many great products designed specifically with your dog’s health in mind. Always read the back of the package and focus on the first few ingredients on it. This will tell you what’s primarily in the treats and you can determine if that’s a good choice for your pup.



Dog with treat via Foter

If you like this post, you should read “3 Top Types Of Dog Food” here.

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