3 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Dog

July 23, 2016 | We Learn | Tips From Amber Eberle
Photo credit Sharon Gerald via Source CC BY-SA_optAs a dog owner, you most likely want to ensure that your pup is happy and healthy. One of the easiest ways to keep your dog in good health and avoid costly vet bills is by feeding your pet a high quality food.

But shopping for dog food can be tough—if you visit any pet store or grocery store you will see dozens of varieties on the shelves. Use the following tips to help select the best food for your dog:

Take Your Dog’s Ancestral Roots into Account

The loving and loyal canine companions of today are descendants of wolves, and while there has been 15,000 years of evolution. that doesn’t mean that their dietary needs have turned upside down. Wolves are carnivores, and for centuries wild dogs have also survived on a carnivorous diet. With this in mind, whether you choose to purchase kibble or canned dog food, it is best to buy one that lists a high quality source of meat protein as its first ingredient.

Select the Right Formula for Your Dog’s Stage of Life

Not all dog foods are the same, so it is important that you buy a formula that is designed for their current stage of life. A puppy needs dog food made for puppies so he can get the calories and nutrients that he needs to properly grow and develop. Feeding a puppy dog food to an adult dog could very likely result in an overweight pet, and feeding adult dog food to a puppy may lead to poor growth and development. Don’t forget about senior dogs—food made for older dogs is typically designed to be easier to digest.


“Don’t forget about senior dogs—food made for older dogs is typically designed to be easier to digest.”

Find a Dog Food that is as Natural as Possible

Like humans, dogs benefit from a diet consisting of whole, natural ingredients. Before purchasing a new type of dog food, it is essential to read all of the ingredients listed on the packaging. The best dog food will be free of artificial coloring, preservatives, flavorings, and animal or vegetable by-products. Other places to look are Consumer Affairs through this link.

What foods have you found are best for your pup? Share a comment!

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