The Meaning of It All

June 1, 2015 | We Love
“Family” can be a can of worms. The relationships that work, the relationships that don’t, the ones you so badly want fixed, and the ones that are so past repair you can do nothing but move on.

There are even the ones that feel like sunshine, there are the ones you’ve defined as family even though you share no DNA, and there are the ones you hope to hold on to forever, maybe even preserve in a jar if you had the chance to always keep it safe.


“Will my loving and adoring pups love and adore him as though he is meant to be part of our family?”

Getting older has helped clarify my definition of family. It has also created this amazing sense of power when thinking about creating my own family: I have a choice. Not only do I get to choose the breakfast I will or will not eat today, I get to choose things like the shoes I will wear and the path I will take to work. I, scarily enough, also get to choose my life partner, and having been recently engaged I can tell you that that is NOT a choice that I took lightly. I had a couple deal breakers, but the one most compelling for this post is that my animals must adore him as much as I do. And what a test that is…Do they bark upon his entry? Do they snuggle with him? Will they take treats from him? Will they let him carry their leashes? Will they let him sit on the couch IN THEIR SPOT? Will my loving and adoring pups love and adore him as though he is meant to be part of our family? The list goes on and on and thankfully the guy that put a ring on it has all of the above.

So that brings me to this moment. I am sitting on the couch with one dog beside me, one dog chewing a bone at my feet, my human love on the couch an arm’s length away (and the cat sitting in a window somewhere in the house). This is a lovely moment with a lovely family, which I chose! And, even better than that, they chose me too (remember the post about Wesley?). There is a power in moments like these, in the reflection on our choices and how they brought us exactly to this spot. I honestly couldn’t imagine a better place to be and I am so incredibly grateful.

And here is a behind the scenes sneak peek of our family photo shoot! We’re trying to beautify the boys!

If you enjoyed this post, you should read: Ode to Wesley

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