I have seen recent videos of unbelievable dog abuse. I am heartbroken at the audacious, inhumane cruelty displayed to people’s best friend.
One such video made the news in Los Angeles. It showed a Pit Bull mix thrown off a cliff by her alleged owner. The man was caught on camera and seen by a neighbor. This kind Samaritan watched and videotaped the whole incident. Quickly, he rescued the Pit Bull who miraculously was stuck to a bush. Even more miraculously, she was unscathed. This after falling approximately 15-20 feet. The owner returned to the scene of the crime. He is being searched for by police.
“The owner returned to the scene of the crime. He is being searched for by police. “
More and more videos are on the internet and social media sites denouncing and reporting abusers. I still ask myself, “Why?” A recent documentary showed current research conducted on dogs. One element of the study was to determine whose company dogs prefer: their humans or other dogs. The answer is humans. Yet, I still ask myself, why abuse them when they prefer to be with you. Why abuse an innocent dog when you, the owner, decided to bring the dog to live with you?
Always remember, a dog’s purpose is love: love and be loved.
How have you helped spread kindness and compassion to animals today? Share below!